To Hear The Words

Then the LORD said to him, “This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.” -Deuteronomy 34:4 Most...

In The Dash

[youtube=] I post this for a friend that I was emailing with today. May it bless and inspire you my friend. May it bless and inspire us all to seize opportunities. There is much work to be done…. “From the moment...

I Missed My Moment

In the book “Chasing Daylight” Erwin McManus tells the a gut-wrenching story about being at the beach with his son. They see a paralyzed man on crutches making his way up from the beach. Erwin decides to walk the other way. His 10 year old son, Aaron, ...

One Last Lecture

I just opened up Yahoo to find the sad news that Randy Pausch has passed. By now I am sure that you have probably seen this video. It is all over Youtube. If, on the off chance you have not seen this, take the next 10:10 to watch it. If you have seen it before, you...

Good Reads

I decided to start re-reading “Chasing Daylight” again last night. This is one of those books that should be required reading once a year. The message seems to always be very timely. Below are a few underlines from the first time I read this book....