Urban Sledding

Like most of the country, we got hit with our first blast of real winter weather today. It actually provided a great opportunity to stay indoors and relax for a day. The kids waited somewhat patiently, but we couldn’t hold them off forever. They just had to get...

Let That Pony Run

Tomorrow morning marks the start of another school year and the first time that all three of our children will be in school all day. I’m not going to lie this is one of my least favorite days of the year. Tonight we close out the summer and tomorrow morning...

Proud Papa!

Yesterday morning two of our three children took part in a kids triathlon sponsored by our local municipal pool. This was the second attempt at the event as last weeks scheduled date was rained out. I am so proud of my kids for accepting the challenge and being very...

To Train Up A Child

There I was, enjoying “the day after” the big win against Duke today and then this picture popped up. Now I can’t stop looking at it. It gripped me the moment I saw it. The more I look at it, the more I see. This is not a story about my obsession...

The Foundation

There was one other quote that I had to commit to memory from the book “The Difference A Father Makes” by Ed Tandy McGlasson. When I read it, it practically jumped out off of the page and tapped me one the shoulder. I think it hit a fear that many of us...