Episode 274 | Childhood Friend Ernie Ley

Episode 274 | Childhood Friend Ernie Ley

In the 80’s I met a forever friend at Bedford Church of the Nazarene. We spent our weekends together. Even though we were in 2 different school districts, his family became my family. His brother was my brother. His cousin was my cousin. Unfortunately, Ernie and...

Free Copy of "Crazy Love"!

Tis the season of love (Valentines Day that is) and I’m giving away some CRAZY LOVE!! More specifically I am giving away the wicked great new CD by the guys from Hawk Nelson. If you are a Hawk Nelson fan you will crazy love this CD. If you’re not a fan of Hawk Nelson...

Free Copy of “Crazy Love”!

Tis the season of love (Valentines Day that is) and I’m giving away some CRAZY LOVE!! More specifically I am giving away the wicked great new CD by the guys from Hawk Nelson. If you are a Hawk Nelson fan you will crazy love this CD. If you’re not a fan of Hawk Nelson...

Always Perseveres

Here we are, we have persevered. If you have stayed with me the entire series, we find ourselves today at the final quality of love that Paul outlines in 1 Corinthians 13. And what is this final quality that Paul leaves us with? “Always Perseveres” Most of...

Always Hopes

I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio. If you know anything about Cleveland sports, you know that one thing we have cornered the market on is HOPE. If you’re a fan in Cleveland, you know what it means to hope. We’ve been doing it a long time. a LOOONG time. But I...