Homecoming 2007

I realized yesterday that this is homecoming weekend for my college alma mater. As you can probably tell, I didn’t go. I told Heather last night that there is no place on this earth I would rather NOT be than homecoming. I don’t know that I will ever...

The Lord of the Gift

One blessing I can never put into words is the blessing of some great friends in my life. I say this not to boast, rather that I am amazed at the way that God has intertwined our lives in his providence. As I was reading about spiritual gifts in “If You Want to...

Beyond Words…

Have you ever had that question where you are asked “if you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be”? My list isn’t really all that inspiring or extensive. There is one name that would be at the top though. Max Lucado. If I could choose one...

Don't Blink

You just knew I couldn’t let a milestone like my son riding a bike without training wheels go by without some post about them growing up too fast. I was all set to just let it slide by and maybe even deny it a bit. Then I heard the song “Don’t...

Don’t Blink

You just knew I couldn’t let a milestone like my son riding a bike without training wheels go by without some post about them growing up too fast. I was all set to just let it slide by and maybe even deny it a bit. Then I heard the song “Don’t...