For The Love Of…

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane…shall we? For those that have followed this thing since the beginning, you might remember when I wrote a post 3 years ago about a dilemma I was having (HERE). Matter of fact, last time the Tar Heels played for a...

I said…You heard…

Kids and lessons from our Heavenly Father go hand in hand don’t they? The timing is sometimes scary. This morning was one of those moments. Let me explain. Last night as I tucked my daughter into bed, we were discussing “All Pro Dad” (APD) on...

For My Girls….


You’re a Father Forever

One of the things that struck me when I read the “10 Ways to be an All Pro Dad” was number 10 which states to “Realize that You’re a Father Forever”. As we go through the phases of childhood with all three of our children, I find myself...

You're a Father Forever

One of the things that struck me when I read the “10 Ways to be an All Pro Dad” was number 10 which states to “Realize that You’re a Father Forever”. As we go through the phases of childhood with all three of our children, I find myself...