10 Books That Shaped Me

  There are a lot of things that have molded and shaped me over the years. Some good and some not so good. Be that as it may, I was thinking this week about how there are a lot of great books I’ve read over the years that have come to define who I am. The Bible...

Finishing It

Tonight I watched the live broadcast of Rob Bell’s interview in New York. Not only did I watch and listen to what Rob Bell had to say, I read the comments on the chat box to the right of the screen. I had several comments and thoughts throughout the broadcast...

Charlotte Update

I’m sitting at the airport in Detroit on my way to Norfolk and was reminded on my flight that it was probably time for a Charlotte Update. To be honest there is not a whole lot to update at this point. While we continue to wait on an offer on the house, we also...

What You Believe

“You can say what you think, but you will live what you believe” – Mark Hall I flew Southwest Airlines home from Chicago tonight. If you’re familiar with Southwest they have what is called an “open seating” policy. In other words, it’s first come-first serve when you...

Way To Live

I brought “Velvet Elvis” with me on this trip to re-read. It’s been about a year or so since I read it, so I thought I would run through it again. It only took a few pages to remind me why it is one of my favorite books. Check this out:...