Hey Dad….

The other night we were watching the Cavs and Pistons game on TV and my 8 year old son hit me with one of “those questions” I was not prepared to answer. The questions were simple, the answers were not. Q: Hey Dad…is Lebron James a Christian? A: I...

To Train Up A Child

There I was, enjoying “the day after” the big win against Duke today and then this picture popped up. Now I can’t stop looking at it. It gripped me the moment I saw it. The more I look at it, the more I see. This is not a story about my obsession...

Awana Grand Prix

It’s that time of year again. This is the first year that we have two entries into the Awana Grand Prix on Friday night. This is the first for our daughter and the third car for our son. Each year, the brainstorming session into what we should create out of a...

Role Model

GREAT article by Rick Reilly in this weeks ESPN The Magazine about John Elway and a fan. Seriously, take the time to read it. The article can be found (HERE)

It’s Back!

Saturday, September 13th is the officail launch date of this years All Pro Dad gatherings at Chick-Fil-a. A big thanks to my friend Tom Minturn for again supporting All Pro Dad. More details coming soon, but mark your calendards Dads (and Moms). We’re kicking...