Way Back Wednesday

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFYMijdQ_sA] I realize I’m aging myself a bit here…but..I was a HUGE fan of the Electric Company. Especially Spiderman. See if you can spot one Mr. Morgan Freeman in here too. Classic stuff.

Yearbook Yourself

For years, people who have met me A.H. (after hair) have asked, begged and even bribed to see pictures of me with hair. Well, thanks to the fine folks at yearbookyourself.com, now you can. I gotta be honest and say that a few of these were “spot on” actual...

In The 70's!!!!

I just checked the weather for the next 4 days and the forecast calls for temps in the 70’s! In honor of global warming, Al Gore and inconvenient truths, I thought we would celebrate the break in temps with a little 70’s music. Enjoy the weather, the song...

In The 70’s!!!!

I just checked the weather for the next 4 days and the forecast calls for temps in the 70’s! In honor of global warming, Al Gore and inconvenient truths, I thought we would celebrate the break in temps with a little 70’s music. Enjoy the weather, the song...