Where The Locals Eat

I once heard a principle that when you are out of town you should “eat where the locals eat”. That might mean passing the “known” places to get to a small hole-in-the-wall place. I generally go to my hotel and don’t come out until the...


I can’t remember the last time I watched a movie with a notepad, but for some reason I did just that with “The Bucket List”. For some reason I just thought there would be great quotes in this film. Here are a few of my scratch notes from the movie:...

Hebrews 11:1

For well over a year and a half now, I have climbed aboard plane after plane. Week after week and month after month, I step onto an airplane and never once see the pilot. I’ve never spoken to one of them. I’ve not had the opportunity to ask them 100...

God is a DJ

I will admit that I draw inspiration from the most unlikely of places. Today’s wisdom comes from the artist known as “Pink”. Pretty interesting analogy. I can’t help but wonder what it means if you’re like me and have two left feet??? If...

Waiting for Lightning

I once had a friend that would say he was “waiting for a sign” before he would believe or have faith. He once told me this as we sat in his lovely home surrounded by comfort. I looked at his children as they were happy, healthy and playing. I thought about...