For several months now I have been weighing the opportunity to run in the Columbus Half Marathon on October 17, 2010. I have gone back and forth and have yet to sign up. My wife and are I are running in the Dayton Air Force Half Marathon on September 18th and she has already signed up to run the full marathon in Columbus. We both feel like our days of running in these events are wrapping up so Columbus will most likely be our last race for awhile. There are two things that came to mind the other day as I continued to debate on running Columbus:

1. Assuming I finish Dayton in 2 weeks, Columbus would be my 13th half marathon. Given that it could be my last and they are 13 miles, it has a nice feel to it finishing on that number.

2. I need a cause or a reason that has nothing to do with me for this race. I am in search of a purpose to run this one so I can glance at my shirt throughout the race and remember…”this isn’t about you”.

So, here’s my offer. If I am to run Columbus, I need a cause or causes to support. I’m willing to run the race if it means running it to support someone, encourage someone, benefit a charity or raise some funds for support (Church, charity, etc…). I’ll pick up the tab on the race, I just need to know the cause(s) I’ll be running for. With the remarkable reach of the web, I thought you all can help me spread the word. If you know of someone or something I can run to support, please leave a comment on this post, or drop me an email.

Together we’ll finish the race!