As I mentioned in my previous post, I was looking for a cause or something I could support in order to run the Columbus Half Marathon on October 17, 2010. It took less than 2 hours and I found something that I am honored to run for. Thanks to my friend Ryan Grammatico, my wife and I will be running our races in October to support former U of M kicker Phil Brabbs and his battle against a form of blood cancer called Multiple Myeloma. While I don’t know Phil personally, like many of you, cancer has touched people close to me. Knowing I am running to support his battle and thinking of the courage of all those battling this disease makes this an honor to do. Hopefully, we won’t be doing this alone….

You’re all invited to join us too!!!!

Here’s my offer and idea. By purchasing one of the two t-shirts shown above, you will help support Phil and his battle to find a cure for this disease. Heather and I will be wearing our shirts on race day and we’d love to see you wearing yours too. You don’t even have to live in Columbus, Ohio. If you will help us in supporting Phil by purchasing a t-shirt and taking a picture of you wearing it (preferably on October 17th), I’ll gather all of the photos and post them here on the blog. Together we’ll show Phil our full support and let him know we’re carrying the mat for him. Again, here’s the idea:

1. Go to to read more about Phil and his journey

2. Go to This Web Site to order one of the 2 shirts shown above

3. Wear the shirt on October 17th and email me a picture of you wearing the shirt.

4. Leave me a comment here or through email if you’re planning to purchase a shirt.

If you are running in the Columbus Half Marathon in October too, I’d love to see several of these shirt running the race (again, get pictures). Even if you’re running a different race (5K, walkathon, whatever) before October 17th, wear the shirt and send me the pictures. I am posting this now because we have 6 weeks before the race and I wanted to give plenty of time to make everyone aware. The shirts are $20 (that’s about 50 cents a day from now until race day).

I can’t wait to see all of you wearing the shirts and showing Phil he’s not alone in Dominating this battle!