Are you one of those people that like to participate in Black Friday sales? Do you camp out, wait in long lines, plan your strategy? If so, congratulations. Seriously, I don’t think I would have the patience or what it takes to survive those crowds. In a previous life, I worked in retail and HATED that day. It often brought out the worst in people. I witnessed, first hand, just how selfish and ugly we can be when it comes to “stuff”. I’m not grouping everyone in that category and if you’re a Black Friday shopper, I wish you luck.

But I’ve got a suggestion….

Why not stay home, order products that you would buy in a store and FOREVER CHANGE A LIFE?

You see, there are many companies and organizations that exist to sell the products that you and I use every single day. The difference is that when you purchase them, the proceeds go towards causes across the world. I’ve been selling the Hello Somebody watches for about a month now and we are still working to support Vedaste Iyamwremye. Before you head out early Friday morning, take a quick look at this list. Consider ordering online.

Change a life

Save a life

Save THIS FILE (click on link for .PDF) and email it to all of your family and friends.

Do Something this Black Friday.

Hello Somebody  (

Hello Somebody offer hoodies, shirts, tank tops and (my favorite) watches. Each purchase goes toward feeding and educating boys in Rwanda. Love this organization and movement! Enter the name “Vedaste Iyamwremye” into the “seller notes” section to support Team Vedaste.

Toms Shoes (

Toms provides a pair of shoes to someone in need with every purchase of a pair of their shoes. The selection has really grown over the years and the impact is unbelievable. Major shoe manufacturers have even taken notice and are starting their own campaigns. Toms also carries eyewear now.

Soles 4 Souls (

Primarily a site to donate for a pair of shoes for someone in need, Soles4Souls also have shirts and hats that donate a portion of the proceeds to a pair of shoes. This organization has been featured on several nationally syndicated television shows and is another favorite of mine.

Moju Project (

Moju Project was the first organization that my wife and I ever purchased something from which went to a greater cause. A few years ago, we purchased shirts for several people in our family for Christmas. Each purchase goes to feeding an orphan. Great looking shirts.

Project 7 (

Project 7 is a web site filled with items to purchase. They’ve gone big time and can be found in major retail locations across the United States as well. Coffee, Gum, Mints, Water and T-Shirts. Great, great stuff. Project 7 doesn’t just give to one cause, they support several. See the full list (HERE)

Bodo Blankets (

Bodo Blankets has a wide variety of blankets to offer. Bodo will donate one blanket to someone in need with each purchase of a blanket that you make. Great looking stuff.

31 Bits (

This one’s for the girls…as they say. Love this organization! 31 Bits sells jewelry which has been purchased directly from women in Uganda. Through their purchases, they have created a sustainable business for these women. Through this program they promote english lessons, finance training, community groups, Aids and health education and vocational training. Excellent concept and the jewelry looks great. Check it out for the women in your life!

The 410 Bridge (

The 410 bridge  has several products on their web site. Their mission is create leaders in Kenya so that they can sustain progress on their own. What caught my attention was the keychain/ornament they are offering for $10. Again, they have several products in their store so check them all out. By purchasing a key chain for $10, you can be part of creating sustainable micro-business in Kenya, while impacting the quality of life for orphaned and vulnerable children. Buy a 143 leather “X”. Use is as a key chain, zipper tag, or put it on a necklace and make a difference in the lives of orphans in the world.

Charity Water (

Another great organization here. I am not sure if you’re like me, but I leave the water running when I shave. Who knows how much water just runs straight down the drain. Now think about those that have to walk miles to get a days water, which is probably dirty and filled with horrible things. Charity Water’s mission is to build wells in underdeveloped countries. They have a variety of products to purchase in their store including shirts, hoodies, bracelets, thermoses and skins for your laptop and cell phone. Great stuff.

Gift Card Giver (

Love, love, LOVE this concept. How many of you have a gift card in your wallet with a few dollars left on it? It’s not enough to make a full purchase, but still has a few bucks you will most likely never use? Enter Gift Card Giver. Send those cards to them and they consolidate them to pass along to someone less fortunate! You can send them full gift cards as a donation too. Check out their web site for more information and ideas. Love these guys.

Happy Blankie (

A good friend of mine tipped me off to Happie Blankie. Based right here in Ohio, they provide one blanket to a child in need for each blanket that is purchased. The idea was hatched by a 7 year old. Great looking stuff. According to my friend, they are great quality as well. Who doesn’t love a good blankie?

Krochet Kids (

Buy a hat, change a life. Krochet Kids works with the less fortunate in Peru to create incredible hats and accessories. All hats are signed by the person who created it. You can go to their web site and learn more about that person once you receive it. How cool is that? You can SEE who you helped! They also have shirts.

Land of a Thousand Hills


In 2001, Jonathan Golden, founder of Land of a Thousand Hills, recognized a simple and tangible opportunity to make a difference in the reconciliation of the Rwandan people. This realization led Golden to start a coffee company that pays a fair wage to the farmers of Rwanda, helps them with their basic needs, and brings a quality product to coffee lovers.