Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Forgive me for being THAT dad right now but last night our youngest child graduated from high school. There are a lot emotions and thoughts running through our house right now. Last night we attended the final graduation for us as a family. Our baby girl, Princess...

Being One of Those Parents

Last weekend we attended a basketball tournament for “The Boy”. The gym was filled with courts, games, teams and parents. I had the chance to observe one team that was hand selected from the finest 6th graders in a certain city. One player in particular...

Guide Them Home

On New Years Day, “the boy” and I ran in an annual 5K. This was my third year to run this race and his first. I run 4 to 5 times a week, he never runs. I’m also 30 years older than he is with a lot more miles. While his pace is about 3 minutes slower...

In 2011 Lead Me

So often when I listen to music, I don’t “HEAR” it. While I was taking down the Christmas tree and reflecting on life, marriage, children and what the coming year might have for all of the above, I HEARD this song. The lyrics found a place in my...

Urban Sledding

Like most of the country, we got hit with our first blast of real winter weather today. It actually provided a great opportunity to stay indoors and relax for a day. The kids waited somewhat patiently, but we couldn’t hold them off forever. They just had to get...