Episode 193 | Unscripted with Elias Dummer

Episode 193 | Unscripted with Elias Dummer

Episode 193 is with Elias Dummer. Elias Dummer co-founded and fronted one of Canada’s most acclaimed worship bands, The City Harmonic. As the group’s principal songwriter, he helped pen such hits as “Holy (Wedding Day)” and “Mountaintop,” as well...

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IAhDGYlpqY?wmode=transparent&autohide=1&egm=0&hd=1&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&showinfo=0&showsearch=0&w=500&h=281] Why I love Jesus but hate religion.(Source:...

How Are Small Groups Made?

I read the most interesting article today about Small Groups. It was entitled “Why Churches Should Euthanize Small Groups”. It really gave me some things to think about. Take a moment and go read the article for yourself (the link above will open a new...

Do Policeman Speed?

I had one of those “deep thoughts while grass cutting” moments again today. It happens every time. I think it might be the combination of boredom and music on my iPod that makes these things happen. Regardless, I have a question…Do you think...

Leaving A Church

Recently, I stumbled across a post from Pete Wilson, which he posted from Relevant Magazine, which I am posting now. With so many people I know that have either gone through the process or are going through the process of potentially leaving a church, I thought this...