
“Today there are thousands of people sitting in church pews every Sunday who look like they’ve got it together on the outside but are broken on the inside. People who want to grab a Christian brother or sister by the shoulders and shout, “I’m...

Savin' Me

Very cool video here from Nickelback. Watch and see if you can catch the message about halfway through. It’s not so much the words to the song, but rather the visual representation. [youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=lVF_JOL0P1M]

Savin’ Me

Very cool video here from Nickelback. Watch and see if you can catch the message about halfway through. It’s not so much the words to the song, but rather the visual representation. [youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=lVF_JOL0P1M]

If Only They Knew…

I didn’t post anything on Heath Ledgers tragic death last week. I, like everyone else, was stunned at the news. To see a young life end so quickly and unexpectedly is hard to comprehend. Yet what I find so tragic is the reports after his death. It seemed like...

You Find Out Who Your Friends Are

I remember John Eldredge once said something in one of his books about thinking of the people you would call at 2 in the morning when your world just collapsed around you. That’s a mark of friendship isn’t it? Think about it. You just got some news (good...