Walking the Walk…

“You can say what you think, but you will live what you believe” – Mark Hall I witnessed something today that still has me reflecting on it. Simply put, I witnessed two friends “walking the walk” in their lives. They probably don’t...

Kickin' it Old School…

It’s official, with this post, I am breaking nearly ever personal blog rule I ever set in place. I think I am also breaking man law #53 by posting a prom picture from high school which includes another friend. All that being said, I am “taking one for the...

Kickin’ it Old School…

It’s official, with this post, I am breaking nearly ever personal blog rule I ever set in place. I think I am also breaking man law #53 by posting a prom picture from high school which includes another friend. All that being said, I am “taking one for the...

Our Christmas Card

As most of you know, I have been dubbed the “King of Restless” which is not too far from the truth. It’s a crown I wear with pride, but it sure doesn’t help when it comes to email address books. All of my moves, adds and changes have caused my...

Carrying the Mat

“Everytime you forgive someone who hurt you, encourage someone who feels defeated, extend compassion to someone who stands alone, confront someone in love, open your heart to a friend, reconcile with an enemy, devote time to a child, you align yourself with...