Reality Check

On Sunday, Princess 1.0 joined roughly 100 other girls in grades 4-6 to try out for travel basketball in our local high school. “The Boy” and I sat in the gym to encourage my little girl and observe the tryouts. I was surprised to see how many of the 100+...

Dear Self…

I’m thrilled to participate in Blog Month for Compassion again this year. As a part of our commitment we are given assignments throughout the month of September to reflect and respond to. The purpose of the writing assignments is “to create interesting and...

Do You See Me?

It’s hard to believe, but we’ve reached our final assignment for Compassion Bloggers month. With 2,006 sponsorships I would say that the initiative has been a success. However we still need 1,102 to make our goal. This weeks assignment is to write a letter...

The Larger Story

Each day as I read over the 30 Days Prayer, a new sentence seems to jump out at me. I actually have come to expect this from the few minutes I spend reading it. It’s almost like a “theme for the day”. Todays theme was simple – “Show me...