Like A Rock

Today I had one of those iTunes moments again. In the quiet of my office, my (VERY) random iTunes collection softly played in the background. The song “Like A Rock” by Bob Seger (which was played to death by Chevy in their commercials) came across the...

What Are You Preparing For?

After recently completing the Columbus Half Marathon, the running calendar is now clear with no races on the horizon. Translation = I am not motivated to go for a run anymore. I have found that having another race on the calendar keeps me motivated to get out there 4...

I Hope You See Jesus

I’m not sure what the pull is today, but I have this overwhelming feeling that I need to be honest. I need the permission to speak freely (thanks Anne Jackson). It all started when my iTunes played “I Hope You See Jesus” by Bebo Norman. Next thing I...

Why I Quit Fantasy Sports

It’s that time of year when every guys email inbox is filled with invitations to join random fantasy football leagues. It wasn’t so long ago that I accepted any and all invitations and had more teams than I could keep track of. I had a great team name too...

Time To Replace The Filter?

Every summer, we turn on the AC and within a few days there is ice forming on the pipe that leads from the central air conditioning unit outside to the furnace inside. There is condensation in the basement and ice forming on the outside of the furnace. The temperature...