Follow Up Moment

In order to understand this post, you probably will want to read the one before it entitled “I Missed My Moment”. I did take the opportunity to go and visit the man I mentioned in my previous post today. His name is Mike and I’d like to introduce you...

I Missed My Moment

In the book “Chasing Daylight” Erwin McManus tells the a gut-wrenching story about being at the beach with his son. They see a paralyzed man on crutches making his way up from the beach. Erwin decides to walk the other way. His 10 year old son, Aaron, ...

One Last Lecture

I just opened up Yahoo to find the sad news that Randy Pausch has passed. By now I am sure that you have probably seen this video. It is all over Youtube. If, on the off chance you have not seen this, take the next 10:10 to watch it. If you have seen it before, you...

Into Every Life….

We’ve all heard it said that “into every life a little rain must fall”. Well, when I got off of the plane today and looked out the windows at Seattle, it was raining. Just like the movies. That was about the extent of the “rain” that fell...