Birthday Recap

Although “the boy’s” birthday was Tuesday, we officially wrap up the festivities tomorrow. First off, the Hansbrough Pacer’s jersey was a huge hit. He hasn’t worn it yet but I think he’s afraid to mess it up. It will work nicely for...

Because…A Letter To My Son

  In the morning, our son will officially celebrate his 9th birthday. I can’t even type those words without wondering where the last 9 years went. I can’t seem to get my mind around how quickly it has flown by. What scares me even more is that when...

Anything Like Me

In just one week, “the boy” will officially turn 9 years old. It is beyond my understanding where the last 9 years went. They always say it goes too fast and “they” are right. This is such an awesome age for all three of our kids. Especially...

Tuesday Night Music Club

“The Boy” and I recently rigged up an area in the unfinished portion of our basement so he could practice pitching to a target this winter while we’re stuck indoors. We also wired up an old computer and iTunes 9 (with home sharing) to pump in music...

A Class By Himself

A few weeks ago, I was flipping channels in time to see Michael Jordan’s induction speech for the Basketball Hall of Fame. You all know me enough by now to now that I bleed Carolina Blue. I defend the colors. I am obsessed with it’s history. But I will be...