My Coach Sucks

This is just priceless. Especially on the Heels (no pun intended) of Larry Drew II leaving the Tar Heels mid season for no apparent reason other than he lost his starting job to a freshman. For all of you that have ever coached or have kids in sports, enjoy this. This...


I’ve already posted “Sesame Street Thanksgiving”, but the other annual tradition which usually goes out via email (and still might) is the sending of the link for Snowcraft. Several years ago, I stumbled across this game and look forward to it every...

Are You Joy Challenged?

In his book “The Life You’ve Always Wanted”, John Ortberg outlines a plan for the spiritual discipline of joy. He recommended that if you find yourself down, depressed, or often “joy challenged”, you should surround yourself with people...

A Holiday Tradition

Back by popular demand it is my annual posting of “A Sesame Street Thanksgiving”. Just when I thought no one would remember or care anymore, the requests came pouring in. Those on facebook were treated to this little gem yesterday. As a side note, I...