When Mama's Away…

My wife has been away this weekend with a friend that was speaking at a retreat. I’m glad she got the time away. Usually I am the one that jet sets all over the USA. I am not aware of any permanent damage to the kids, our van, or the house (yet). I am a bit...

When Mama’s Away…

My wife has been away this weekend with a friend that was speaking at a retreat. I’m glad she got the time away. Usually I am the one that jet sets all over the USA. I am not aware of any permanent damage to the kids, our van, or the house (yet). I am a bit...


“No we’re never gonna survive unless we are a little crazy” – Seal A few weeks ago, I was having lunch with my boss and he said the strangest thing. I don’t even remember the context, but his statement went like this; “Aaron,...

I Did The Heisman!

Boy, that sure didn’t take long. Nothing like getting this new found grace put to the test right away. Here’s how it all went down. I was waiting at the counter of the gas station today when a businessman in a hurry came in. He announced to the teenager...

“I Googled It”

The following story is 100% accurate, true and in no way made up. I must also say that it involves my 6 year old son, who just started kindergarten and is just now learning to read. The stage is now officially set. Last night I was working in my office and the older...