Off To a Wonderful Start

In the movie “Major League”, Harry Doyle is doing play-by-play for the very first game of the season and says “You can often tell how the season goes by the very first at bat”. Willie Mayes-Hayes promptly hits a dribbler about 2 feet in front...

Are you "Joy Challenged?"

In his book “The Life You’ve Always Wanted”, John Ortberg outlines a plan for the spiritual discipline of joy. He recommended that if you find yourself down, depressed, or often “joy challenged”, you should surround yourself with people...

Are you “Joy Challenged?”

In his book “The Life You’ve Always Wanted”, John Ortberg outlines a plan for the spiritual discipline of joy. He recommended that if you find yourself down, depressed, or often “joy challenged”, you should surround yourself with people...


I know the first step to recovery is to admitting it. So I am here today to do just that. Friends and readers I am in love with 3 blondes! Wait, it gets worse. Each and every one of them has blue eyes! To take it one step further….they all live in my home! There, I...

Now for Something Completely Different

Let’s change it up a bit shall we? Enough heavy stuff for this week. Someone sent me this clip at work and I couldn’t stop laughing. Even though I am a “night owl”, I don’t watch too much Jay Leno. Guess I have been missing out on all the...