High Chairs.

High Chairs.

It’s 5am on a Monday morning and I am writing a blog post. Welcome to Unscripted. I am still coming off of the emotional high of the past week. As if the week before it wasn’t awesome enough (a week with my bride in our favorite place the Outer Banks),...

Are You Living A Confined Life?

This is the incredible testimony of Christopher Coleman. He was pronounced dead at birth, but somehow survived. He was alive, but his prognosis was grim. While his twin sister, Christal, seemed fine, Christopher had gone for at least 15 minutes without breathing and...

Even Through Tears

About 2 weeks ago, I was one of the crazy 500 people that crashed the servers at Thomas Nelson in anticipation of getting a copy of the book “Plan B” by Pete Wilson. Thankfully I made it through the server crash and received a copy about a week ago. While...

I Am

Lots of “stuff” going on all around us isn’t there? Sometimes it makes you wonder if God is still in control. The requests are real. The requests are important. The requests are for friends, loved ones and people we don’t even know. We need...