What's Your Dream Job?

What is your DREAM Job? Have you ever thought about that? Are you already in that job? I think it’s worth thinking about. You can’t just say “the one where I make a bunch of money” either, that’s too easy. I’m talking about...

What’s Your Dream Job?

What is your DREAM Job? Have you ever thought about that? Are you already in that job? I think it’s worth thinking about. You can’t just say “the one where I make a bunch of money” either, that’s too easy. I’m talking about...

Do Policeman Speed?

I had one of those “deep thoughts while grass cutting” moments again today. It happens every time. I think it might be the combination of boredom and music on my iPod that makes these things happen. Regardless, I have a question…Do you think...

God is a DJ

I will admit that I draw inspiration from the most unlikely of places. Today’s wisdom comes from the artist known as “Pink”. Pretty interesting analogy. I can’t help but wonder what it means if you’re like me and have two left feet??? If...

Quick Question…

As 2007 rolled into 2008, I took some time to evaluate the things that occupy my time. Obviously one of those “things” is this very blog. I often joke that this thing has taken on a life of it’s own over the years. What started off as a quick diary...