The Latest on Shawn

I cannot begin the post without stating how remarkable the last few days have been. When I wrote a post about my friend from high school, I never anticipated a response like I’ve witnessed. This isn’t about my blog. It’s not about my writing....

A Powerful Reminder

As the clock ticked ever closer to midnight last night, a series of events and conversations took place through facebook that gave me a powerful reminder of what it means to live out “Love Does.” This morning I awoke to a new year and a very heavy heart....

Picking a fight…

“Perhaps God doesn’t want us spending our time picking sides or teams and trying on jerseys either. He wants us to pick a fight, and He also wants us to pick Him.  I want to pick a fight because I want someone else’s suffering to matter more to me. I...

My Wish

Tomorrow morning the page will turn on another year older. Quite honestly I can’t believe I’ll be hitting the big four two. That means I will have lived long enough to have reached the legal drinking age….twice. It honestly seemed like yesterday that...