Four For Friday

I can’t believe I almost forgot about the weekly randomness that is Four For Friday! That may tell you the level of stress I was under the past 48 hours. It’s been an absolutely CRAZY week. Missed Reunions, connecting with old friends, surgery, healing,...

Facebook’s Cool.

That may qualify as the cheesiest title I have ever called a blog post. Then again…I just used the word “cheesiest” so how bad can it be. Here’s my point, Facebook is cool. I don’t know what else to call it or say. I’ve been sitting...

Your Moment

I like the commercials for ATT Small Business where the actors say “Welcome to my moment”. I couldn’t help but think of them today while I was cutting the grass. No, I didn’t have “my moment” cutting the grass. Actually, I was...

Who Says You Can’t Go Home?

What a weekend. The family and I left on Friday afternoon to head to our hometown of Bedford, Ohio for the wedding of Heather’s youngest sister. “My Girls”, “The Boy” and Heather were all in the wedding so it was an exciting time for...

Who Says You Can't Go Home?

What a weekend. The family and I left on Friday afternoon to head to our hometown of Bedford, Ohio for the wedding of Heather’s youngest sister. “My Girls”, “The Boy” and Heather were all in the wedding so it was an exciting time for...