100,000…Who Knew?

I am somewhat hesitant to post this, but will do it nonetheless. When I started this thing nearly 3 years ago, who knew that one day it would reach 100,000 hits? I have never done this for the hits. To be honest, I never even anticipated that anyone would read it....

Words and Timing

What an interesting weekend. Late last week, the company I work for was saddened by the death of a man that was literally a walking miracle. He had been battling and beating cancer for many years. It was amazing. He was a living miracle to anyone that came into...

The End of the Innocence

Several years ago the shoe company “Keds” had an advertising campaign that simply asked some questions. I don’t know why it has stuck with me all these years, but it was great marketing. Featured in the commercial was a small girl with her Keds on...

Don’t Blink

You just knew I couldn’t let a milestone like my son riding a bike without training wheels go by without some post about them growing up too fast. I was all set to just let it slide by and maybe even deny it a bit. Then I heard the song “Don’t...

Don't Blink

You just knew I couldn’t let a milestone like my son riding a bike without training wheels go by without some post about them growing up too fast. I was all set to just let it slide by and maybe even deny it a bit. Then I heard the song “Don’t...