Thank You Tony Dungy

Tony Dungy announced today that he is going to retire as head coach of the Indianapolis Colts. To me, the announcement is happy/sad kind of news. I’m happy for Tony Dungy that he did it his way. He will exit the coaching business with the same “Quiet...

You Can Do It!

For those fans of the book “Quiet Strength” by Tony Dungy, here is something new to consider. Tony has put together a story book for children called “You Can Do It”. You can find all of the details and ordering information (HERE). Quiet...

More Quiet Strength

I’m still on the road and now about 3/4 of the way through “Quiet Strength”. Below are a few more quotes that really stood out to me as I read them tonight: “How would your business do if you spent the amount of time on it that you spend on...

Quiet Strength

A very long layover AND a flight delay last night in Atlanta was a blessing. Yes, I said a blessing. It gave me the opportunity to read over half of the book “Quiet Strength” by Tony Dungy. Our company headquarters are in Indianapolis and I appear to be on...