Sermon Notes 8/9

I will start off this weeks Sermon Notes by saying I will in no way, shape or form be able to duplicate the incredible presentation of this scripture that Andy Stanley gave at this mornings service. I’ll post the notes, but my guess is that much of the greatness of...

For The Rest Of Us

I often think of doing a post about running “for the rest of us”. This is a quick attempt to let you know what a guy that doesn’t consider himself a runner, but a guy who runs uses for said activity. Here we go.Nike+ – Big, Big, Big fan of Nike+. When I first...

Running Log 8/8

I just got back from my last “long run” before the half marathon in 3 weeks. When I woke up this morning the last thing I wanted to do was go hit 12 miles. This was also the longest training week in terms of mileage. So there was some motivation to know...

Running Log 8/6

Took every ounce I had to get out today for four miles. According to the half-marathon training schedule, this is the toughest week (mileage wise) leading up to the race. The total for this week is 26 miles. A bulk of that comes on Saturday with a long run of 12 miles...