Picking The Winners!

With 3 children and a dog in his “terrible two’s” it’s not often that my wife and I get to sit down and enjoy a whole lot of television. Honestly, we have become more like Mike and Carol Brady (thanks Matt) ever since we discovered Booksneeze....


I’m not gonna lie, I am a big fan of the TV show “The Biggest Loser” on NBC. Generally what happens is “The Boy” and I watch it in a different room from the girls since they are usually tuned into American Idol. I have still not forgiven...

The Worst Day in Sports

Checking the schedule shows… NBA – Offseason NFL – Offseason MLB – All-Star Break NCAA – Kids are off for the summer NASCAR – Nope Bowling – Nada WNBA (yikes) – All games completed Olympics – Don’t start...

Love this commercial

I don’t know why…but it makes me happy. Thought I would put it where I can access it regularly. Enjoy! [youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=4yMBm3A8a40]

Have a Nice Day

Yesterday was a great day. It all started yesterday morning with Columbus being covered in snow. I smiled as I shoveled the driveway knowing that in a few short hours I would board a plane for Phoenix, Arizona. My biggest concern was what I would do with my winter...