Happy Valen Times Day

This is dedicated to my wife and my 2 little girls. Happy “Valen Times Day” (as my girls call it) to the three very special ladies in my life. “I know one thing, I love you”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehu3wy4WkHs


Quick update this morning before I have to head off to “The Mother-ship” in Indianapolis (Corporate Headquarters) for  a few days. I went on a quick 5 mile run early this morning. Somewhere around mile 2, this song hit the iPod. I lost count of how many...

Speaking of Weddings…

If we ever renew our vows, I am TOTALLY doing this. This is GREAT!!! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-94JhLEiN0]

Letter To Me

I can’t get this song/thought out of my head today. Somehow, I stumbled across this song by Brad Paisley yesterday. I like the concept of the song and the video that goes with it. So for the past 24 hours or so (even in my sleep), I have been thinking of the...