As I mentioned in a previous post, I was given the honor of reviewing a copy of the new Max Lucado book “Cast of Characters” by my new friends at Thomas Nelson Publishing. I also mentioned that I had the blessing of meeting Max and his wife Denalyn about a year ago. To this day it was one of the best memories of my life. It was great to see that the man behind the books is just as real as his writing. I count it such a blessing that this book came at just the right time for me. Several chapters felt like they hit right in a spot that I have been evaluating, discerning or questioning. The short version is that I loved this book.

Cast of Characters can probably best be summed up as a “greatest hits” from some of Max’s other books. He has taken sections where he gave insight into, as the book says, “common people in the hands of an uncommon God”. His ability to tell their story and give another look into how God can use ANYONE for his purpose was refreshing. I think we often hear the stories, but forget that God will use people in amazing ways to glorify his name and advance his kingdom. Check out this list of “characters” (*notes my favorite chapters):

Woman Who Washed Jesus Feet
Mephibosheth *
Samaritan Woman
Mary, Martha and Lazarus *
Paralyzed Man
John *
Two Criminals *
Joseph *
David *
Job *
Rich Young Ruler
Sarah, Peter and Paul

It is quite a list and quite a book. If you’re looking for a gift for someone for Christmas, I would highly recommend “Cast of Characters”. Even if you have read all of Max’s previous books, this is a wonderful collection which will inspire you no matter where you are on the journey. God has blessed Max Lucado with the gift of reaching people right where they are. This book will do the same. Thanks again to Thomas Nelson for the honor of previewing it and thank you Max Lucado for using your spiritual gift to advance the Kingdom!