A Complete Update…

A few months ago, some of my blogging buddies and I started a journey and created a blog called “A Complete 180” or www.ac180.com. It has been a great ride and journey so far. As with everything in life, each of the contributors hit a time of...

"If It Was a Snake…"

When I was growing up my mom had a rather funny phrase she would use. If I was looking for something that was right in front of me, she would say “If it was a snake, it would have bitten you”! Once again tonight I was in my temple of inspiration (otherwise...

“If It Was a Snake…”

When I was growing up my mom had a rather funny phrase she would use. If I was looking for something that was right in front of me, she would say “If it was a snake, it would have bitten you”! Once again tonight I was in my temple of inspiration (otherwise...

A Complete 180

“We’re all looking for love and meaning in our lives. We follow the roads that lead us to drugs or Jesus” -Tim McGraw Have you ever been a part of what was clearly God’s plan? It is one of the most exciting and invigorating things I have ever...

My Little Secret…

This might be subliminal marketing 101, but I have a little secret about an exciting announcement coming next week. If you look around the blog long enough, you will probably find the hidden clues and “easter eggs” as they call them. Bottom line….God...