On That Day.

On That Day.

This is a hard post to write. I am not sure how else I can say this…. Cancer sucks. Throughout my half century on this planet, I have had to hear so many friends say, text, call with the news. There just aren’t words. At the time of typing this, I am...

One Last Lecture

I just opened up Yahoo to find the sad news that Randy Pausch has passed. By now I am sure that you have probably seen this video. It is all over Youtube. If, on the off chance you have not seen this, take the next 10:10 to watch it. If you have seen it before, you...

Carrying the Mat

“Everytime you forgive someone who hurt you, encourage someone who feels defeated, extend compassion to someone who stands alone, confront someone in love, open your heart to a friend, reconcile with an enemy, devote time to a child, you align yourself with...

A Call to Prayer

Many of you have been following the journey of my friend Stef the past few months either through his blog, AC180, my blog or all three. If you are not familiar with Stef, he is an amazing man of God, Christian brother, husband, father and friend. About 6 months ago,...