10 Books That Shaped Me

  There are a lot of things that have molded and shaped me over the years. Some good and some not so good. Be that as it may, I was thinking this week about how there are a lot of great books I’ve read over the years that have come to define who I am. The Bible...

Currently Reading

My good friend (and soon to be 1/2 marathon running partner) David Schroeder from Thomas Nelson was kind enough to send me a copy of “The Search For God and Guinness”. I was wrapping up a few other books so was not able to start on it until just a few days...

Reading Wish List

It’s that time again. I am compiling my reading wish list and am pretty excited about what is available now. Thanks to my good friend Stef, I have already crossed The Winners Manual off the list. Not only did I get to cross it off the list, it came autographed...

Which Are You?

A long travel day helped me get through rougly 87 pages of “Cast of Characters” by Max Lucado yesterday. I have to save my complete review for when it is all done. I will tell you that this book could not have come at a better time. If it is any indication...

Summer Reading List

An interesting thing happened last week as I was cleaning out the archives of this blog. I realized that there is a direct connection between personal growth and the times when I was reading consistently. I chalked up my lack of personal growth reading recently to a...