More Quiet Strength

I’m still on the road and now about 3/4 of the way through “Quiet Strength”. Below are a few more quotes that really stood out to me as I read them tonight: “How would your business do if you spent the amount of time on it that you spend on...

Quiet Strength

A very long layover AND a flight delay last night in Atlanta was a blessing. Yes, I said a blessing. It gave me the opportunity to read over half of the book “Quiet Strength” by Tony Dungy. Our company headquarters are in Indianapolis and I appear to be on...

I'm Taking My Shoes Off…

I am convicted. I’ve been convicted all weekend. I was so convicted on Saturday morning that I found myself emotionally moved to a point I have not been in a long time. I think I might have even moved past convicted to the point of challenged. I don’t even...

I’m Taking My Shoes Off…

I am convicted. I’ve been convicted all weekend. I was so convicted on Saturday morning that I found myself emotionally moved to a point I have not been in a long time. I think I might have even moved past convicted to the point of challenged. I don’t even...