That's Gonna Leave a Mark!!

While we were at little league practice (first year coach pitch) last night, I hit my son in the shoulder with a pitch. They were taking batting practice and it’s safe to say that I was struggling with the command of the ever changing strike zone. We made a call...

Vitale’s Job is Safe…

Okay, so I can’t just let the defeat of Carolina go without “one shining moment” which happened during the game. As I said in my last post, besides my Treo phone, the only other contact I had with the game was my 6 year old at home. He was watching...

Vitale's Job is Safe…

Okay, so I can’t just let the defeat of Carolina go without “one shining moment” which happened during the game. As I said in my last post, besides my Treo phone, the only other contact I had with the game was my 6 year old at home. He was watching...

Honest Dottie…

I just couldn’t resist this. Ever since I scheduled my flight to San Antonio, I can’t get this out of my mind. Once I touch down, I am dying to get to a pay phone and call someone and say “Honest Dottie, I’m in Texas..listen. The Stars at night...

My Life = Holiday Inn Commercial

They say that “art imitates life”. Well “they” must follow me around. This is the second time I have had a Holiday Inn commercial which has totally depicted my stay at…you guessed it..a Holiday Inn. Here’s the story. I drove over to...