Serenity NOW!!

My day started with a reminder that I have a very unhappy lower back. When I arrived at my laptop to being the days work, it promptly displayed the “Blue Screen of Death”. We then walked the kids to school and got to talking about our city with our...

Never Forget

I’m still doing the “road warrior” thing today with a quick trip over to Indianapolis. I had to share one quick story from my trip to Denver. I was walking through the airport in Columbus I saw a family (older Mom and Dad, young wife, husband and...

Something Even BIGGER

Well friends, we’re back from a whirlwind 72 hour tour of Charlotte, North Carolina. Some of you may be looking at that picture and saying…”that looks like Columbus, Ohio”. If you did, you’re right. It is. On the heels of the big...

For Monday

I’ll be away from the blog on Monday to celebrate Labor day. More importantly, our thoughts and prayers are going to be with all of those that are in the Gulf Coast as the predictions are not good for Hurricane Gustav.

In The 70's!!!!

I just checked the weather for the next 4 days and the forecast calls for temps in the 70’s! In honor of global warming, Al Gore and inconvenient truths, I thought we would celebrate the break in temps with a little 70’s music. Enjoy the weather, the song...