Painful Prayers

As we enter this week that means so much to the Christian faith, I thought this clip by Mark Driscoll would help set the stage. I have posted this clip multiple times, but it is for no other reason than I need the reminder myself. How do you pray in the painful times?...

32 Hours: The Church In Haiti

I interrupt my 40-Day Blog fast to post this sermon from Mark Driscoll, Pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. While I have been away, I have been challenged to use the power of the blog to share links and giving opportunities which I have been made aware of. I have...

Day Eight – Persecuted

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven -Matthew 5:10 Well here we are at the end of this eight day series. I’m not sure how many of you have followed along, or worked through the beatitudes the past...

Your Will Be Done

Great stuff from Mark Driscoll. Been a while since I have caught up with anything from Mars Hill Seattle. Check this out today while I’m still on the mend.  I’ll be back to the blog soon. [youtube=]

Summer Reading List

An interesting thing happened last week as I was cleaning out the archives of this blog. I realized that there is a direct connection between personal growth and the times when I was reading consistently. I chalked up my lack of personal growth reading recently to a...