
I heard this song today for the first time and immediately thought of my lovely...

Self Seeking, Easily Angered

Why oh why must this stuff all come together at once! Like the great philosopher George Costanza once said “Worlds are colliding and George is gettin’ upset!!!”. This weekend I had the opportunity to walk a mile in my wife’s shoes. Before you...

A Message From Heaven

This is the first birthday I will celebrate since my Mom passed in March. From what my Sister and Dad have told me, she very much wanted to make the trip from Houston to Columbus to celebrate my 40th birthday. Just knowing that it was that important to her is so...

13 Years!

Below is just a quick sampling of our 13 year journey. To my bride I say “thank you”. Words cannot express my appreciation for your love, your grace, your understanding and your support. As Montgomery Gentry once sang..”Lord knows I’m a lucky...

A Little Crazy…

In one week, my wife and I will embark on an incredible 4 week journey. Actually, the 4 week journey will mark the completion of a journey we have been on for well over a year now. The journey has taken us to cities like Charlotte and Phoenix for half marathons. This...