"I Was Fixable"

On Sunday, we had a “celebration of life” service to honor my Mom. As most of you know she passed away on March 5, 2010, but this was our first opportunity for the entire family to be back in my hometown. The service was a beautiful time of reflection on...

Doing The Work

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ajIFfSaEzE&w=480&h=360&hd=1] Ask yourself these questions: Q: If tragedy struck your city, would your church be the one they look to for help? Q: If tragedy hit your neighborhood, would your family be where they...

All Can Help Someone

I finished reading Max Lucado’s next book (arriving August 2010) called “Outlive Your Life” last night. I said it in an earlier post but it is a call to action to all that read it. As I finished the last 2 sentences of the book, I couldn’t help...

Hands, Feet, Hearts, Prayers

Just 2 weeks ago, my wife and I ran the streets of Nashville, Tennessee for the Country Music Half Marathon. We were both first time visitors to this incredible city and it left a mark on our hearts. We instantly fell in love with the music, the culture, the people...

What You Believe

“You can say what you think, but you will live what you believe” – Mark Hall I flew Southwest Airlines home from Chicago tonight. If you’re familiar with Southwest they have what is called an “open seating” policy. In other words, it’s first come-first serve when you...