The Manger

Have you ever been shaken? I’m not talking about picked up and shaken, but rather taken from your comfort zone and life and into the lives of someone less fortunate? While the experience can be uncomfortable, it can also be the source of everything that Jesus...

A Giving Opportunity

If you’ve followed the blog long, you know that if I post an opportunity to give or support, it is usually for something near and dear to my heart. Since the time I was born (literally), one of the closest people to my heart is my sister (left in image). She...

Reality Check

I often read the quote “Lord let me heart be broken by the things that break your heart”. Most likely I read them on my iPad while drinking a Diet Coke or a water that I got from our stockpile in the garage. I think about how true that phrase is. Or, like...

Eyes Wide Open International

Last night I received a note on facebook from a college friend. After some discussion and prayer, my wife and I made a commitment to help as best we can. Thanks to the internet and social media, I have the blessing of being able to spread the word to each of you as...

“I Was Fixable”

On Sunday, we had a “celebration of life” service to honor my Mom. As most of you know she passed away on March 5, 2010, but this was our first opportunity for the entire family to be back in my hometown. The service was a beautiful time of reflection on...