Next Time We Meet….

It’s T-Minus 14 hours until “The Streak” official ends. The next time we meet, I will be less one gall bladder and, from what I hear, pretty sore in the abdomen for a few days. There’s no rest for the weary as I have pending meetings in...

The Streak Ends…

While it’s nothing compared to that of Cal Ripken’s incredible streak, I am sad to say that a personal streak of mine is officially coming to an end on Monday. After successfully avoiding anesthesia, blunt instruments and surgery of any shape or form for...

A Call to Prayer

Many of you have been following the journey of my friend Stef the past few months either through his blog, AC180, my blog or all three. If you are not familiar with Stef, he is an amazing man of God, Christian brother, husband, father and friend. About 6 months ago,...