An Evening To Remember

So I’ve been talking about the Rock and Worship Roadshow for several months now. I’ve been talking about Thousand Foot Krutch even longer. Little did I know when “the boy” and I left for Dayton what the evening had in store. Once we arrived at...

All Good

If you’re checking the blog to see me go on a rant after the Tar Heels lose to Duke it’s not going to happen. It’s all good. I won’t go into any analysis (although I have tons of it). I won’t go into cliches about moral victories or...

Guide Them Home

On New Years Day, “the boy” and I ran in an annual 5K. This was my third year to run this race and his first. I run 4 to 5 times a week, he never runs. I’m also 30 years older than he is with a lot more miles. While his pace is about 3 minutes slower...

A Thousand Foot Christmas

What can I say…I am willing to admit I have what my friend Jeff calls a “Thousand Foot Crush” on Thousand Foot Krutch. So what would Christmas be without a little TFK? Below are two songs they have recorded for the season. Also counting down the days...

A Night To Remember

So what if Lebron James is gone. So what if former Tar Heel Danny Green got cut from the Cavaliers yesterday. The show in Cleveland must go on and tonight it made a stop in Columbus, Ohio for a pre-season game against the Milwaukee Bucks. Thanks to the kindness of my...