What’s Happening…

1. Over the weekend our garage door started acting up (among other things, it came off of the chain). When we got home, I just opened it “the old fashion way”. My son said “how did you open that door”? I told him “I have super human...

What's Happening…

1. Over the weekend our garage door started acting up (among other things, it came off of the chain). When we got home, I just opened it “the old fashion way”. My son said “how did you open that door”? I told him “I have super human...

Four For Friday

Gotta get the post out early this week since “I’m leaving on a jet plane” in the morning for Miami. Thanks to Jenny for participating in last weeks post. Anyone else care to share what is playing in their iPod, stereo or car this week? Without...

Gone to Carolina

The Family and I are still on our mini-trip to Charlotte. I’ll be back later this week to give some observations, reflections and thoughts. Good Times…

Tips and Tolls

Yesterday morning I set out on the drive to Charlotte, North Carolina. As I was cruising along, enjoying the incredible weather, I noted the sign “Toll booth ahead”. Uh-oh. If you’re like me you don’t often carry cash. I pretty well use the...