Charlotte Playlist

You will need to forgive me this week as I am looking ahead to the weekend. It sounds crazy, but there is something about the city of Charlotte that just gets in my blood. While I’ve never spent more than a few days there at a time, some part of me feels like...

Go Panthers!

I’ve said it before but I officially left “Raider Nation” this summer in favor of the Carolina Panthers. Much of this decision is due to my hope that they will one day be my hometown team. Much to my surprise, my Panthers (see how quickly they became...

Something Big

  In March of this year, we began a journey that took a BIG turn yesterday. Huge. In reviewing that post tonight. I recalled quoting the lyrics of John Waller when he sang: “Something so big, it’s destined to fail without you Lord” Friends,...

Charlotte Update

I’m sitting at the airport in Detroit on my way to Norfolk and was reminded on my flight that it was probably time for a Charlotte Update. To be honest there is not a whole lot to update at this point. While we continue to wait on an offer on the house, we also...

Virtual Reality

It has been a few weeks and I probably owe each of you a Charlotte update. I entitled this post “Virtual Reality” because that is what we continue to sense and have a complete peace about. It’s a peace that literally passes all understanding. Are...