Knowing Who Your Friends Are

Tony Campolo tells the story of how his mother requested that he attend the funeral of a neighbor that had died. He didn’t know it, but he went to the wrong funeral home. When he got to (what he thought) was the funeral home, the only person there was the wife...

Interesting Quote

  This quote comes directly from the book “Velvet Elvis” by Rob Bell “God has spoken, and the rest is commentary”

Two Totally Different Books

I have read two books so far this year and the contrast between the two is amazing. The first book I read this year was “Courageous Leadership” by Bill Hybels. It was a good read, but to be honest, I didn’t connect with it in the way that I thought I...

Where Everybody Knows Your Name..

Where is your place? Where in this crazy world do you go to be who you really are? When things get bad, who do you call? When things are great, do you call the same people? Where does “everybody know your name”? I met a new customer last week and we...

It's a Little Like Pretty Woman

Maybe I am just trying to justify why watching “Pretty Woman” AGAIN the other night is 2 hours of my life I will never get back, but these are some random thoughts after watching this film. Weren’t we all, at some point, something like Julia Roberts...